Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hello Everyone...

Well what can I say I have really been neglecting my blog as of late and would like to apologise to anyone that actually reads what I say...;)
I've been working hard the past few weeks...

I eventually decided to do some production ranges under the guise of Mojo Jewellery Dublin, Mainly to indulge my darker side, you can see them On, I have also set up a shop on the page and had my first sale yesterday....I was so happy... Now if i get one everyday i will be a happy camper...

Currently i am working on a range for Jlb, and am hoping to have it ready in the next week. so watch this space for the pictures.

I will also be working on a piece I intend on entering into the National Craft Competition, So that picurte will be up soon too..

SO until then....
